More beautiful than Apple's comps

Ubuntu Linux founder Mark Shuttleworth is now urging for the development of desktops more beautiful than Apple's comps.

In the O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) keynote, Shuttleworth urged delegates to make a serious effort not just to catch Apple but to overtake the company in terms of the quality of desktop experience delivered to users, reports The Register

Shuttleworth said that the great task over the next two years would be to lift the experience of the Linux desktop from something that is stable and robust and not-so-pretty into something truly artistic.

Further, Shuttleworth raised some questions on the funding of such open-source developments. According to him, there is clearly a demand from companies and individuals for open-source software, but what's not clear is where the money comes from. So in order to earn revenue the software is stuffed with banner or flash-based ads.

Urging for a new revenue model to fund free software, Shuttleworth urged that the new model should not depend on such annoying ads fro revenue but just move to subscription-based services.

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